Set against the backdrop of the early 90s, “This Is England ‘90” delves into the complex lives of a group of young adults in England. The series is a continuation of the story that began with the critically acclaimed film “This Is England” and its sequels “This Is England ‘86” and “This Is England ‘88”, crafted by the talented duo Shane Meadows and Jack Thorne. As the characters navigate the challenges of adulthood, they are faced with issues of identity, love, loss, and societal changes that come with a new decade.
The early 90s in England were marked by significant cultural shifts, including the rise of rave culture and the ongoing impact of Thatcherism. These societal changes serve as a backdrop for the personal journeys of the characters. The series explores how these external factors influence their relationships and personal growth. From the underground music scene to the political unrest, “This Is England ‘90” offers a raw and honest portrayal of life in England during this transformative period.
As the story progresses, viewers will witness the evolution of the characters as they confront their past traumas and strive for a brighter future. The series tackles themes of redemption, resilience, and the enduring power of friendship. With its mix of poignant drama and moments of dark humor, “This Is England ‘90” is a compelling exploration of life’s complexities in a changing world.
Set against the backdrop of the early 90s, “This Is England ‘90” delves into the complex lives of a group of young adults in England. The series is a continuation of the story that began with the critically acclaimed film “This Is England” and its sequels “This Is England ‘86” and “This Is England ‘88”, crafted by the talented duo Shane Meadows and Jack Thorne. As the characters navigate the challenges of adulthood, they are faced with issues of identity, love, loss, and societal changes that come with a new decade.
The early 90s in England were marked by significant cultural shifts, including the rise of rave culture and the ongoing impact of Thatcherism. These societal changes serve as a backdrop for the personal journeys of the characters. The series explores how these external factors influence their relationships and personal growth. From the underground music scene to the political unrest, “This Is England ‘90” offers a raw and honest portrayal of life in England during this transformative period.
As the story progresses, viewers will witness the evolution of the characters as they confront their past traumas and strive for a brighter future. The series tackles themes of redemption, resilience, and the enduring power of friendship. With its mix of poignant drama and moments of dark humor, “This Is England ‘90” is a compelling exploration of life’s complexities in a changing world.
《英伦90》是由西恩·迈德斯执导,托马斯·图尔格斯,薇琪·麦克卢尔,约瑟夫·吉尔根,Rosamund Hanson等领衔主演,并于2015年在英国地区正式上映的剧情类型影视作品。 根据好播电影收集到的信息来看,《英伦90》片长(全集未删减完整版),目前已有401位观众给与8分的评价,目前豆瓣评分是8分。 并且《英伦90》总点击量已经达到0次,其中日点击量0次,周点击量0次,月点击量0次。
好播电影于2024-10-01从网络收集到《英伦90》并归类到美剧,该片最近更新日期是2024-10-01,当前更新状态是:已完结。 由于该片源收集至网络,请大家观看时不要相信任何广告,谨防上当受骗。同时请大家在能力允许情况下多多支持正版。 好播电影(提供《英伦90》在线完整版免费,《英伦90》免费观看全集完整版在线观看,更多免费美剧请持续关注本站。 ...展开